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Why are business leaders like my dad?

When I was small, my father used to tell me to “do as I say, not as I do”, usually when I’d was being told off for putting my elbows on the table at dinner.

Fast forward to today. I hear so many business leaders say they can’t get “disclosure” of disabilities from their employees. As if it’s the employees’ fault.

But with only 1 FTSE 100 director declared as disabled (me) that sounds like my dad saying “do as I say, not do as I do”. By not speaking out, those leaders cast a hashtag#VeilOfSecrecy over the rest of the organisation.

Why should colleagues “share” (note we don’t “disclose”) information on their health conditions when those at the top of their businesses keep theirs hidden. In c1000 FTSE 100 directors there must be at least 100 directors with a story to share, 99 of whom are not leading by example.

Followers will not follow where leaders refuse to go themselves.


Watch the full video below.

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